Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update on GT Ag Ed World...

The Graettinger Terril Ag students are busy praparing for numerous activities!

Ag Leadership just had PALS on Friday Jan. 22nd with the kindergarten class. They taught their pals about soil and why it is so important. The elementary students enjoyed making and snacking on "dirt cups" to help them learn about soil!

The Animal Science class is in the beginning stages of planning Elementary Farm Day which will be held on April 30th for K-4th grade. These students are also working on filling out proficeincy applications related to their SAE's.

Soil Science/Agronomy students are planning our annual Farm Safety Day, which will be held on April 9th, in Terril for the 5th and 6th graders. During Farm Safety Day the high schoolers will teach the 5th and 6th graders about tractor/PTO safety, grain bin safety, ATV safety, and what to do in an emergency.

Our Ag Business class if currently focusing on filling out proficeincy applications and state degree applications.

FFA members are looking forward to showing parents and guests how hard they have been working to prepare for contests at our Parent/Member potluck on Feb. 4th at 7:00 p.m.

Contests will be Feb. 11th in Emmetsburg! Good luck to all the outstanding GT FFA members who will be competing. I know they will represent our chapter, school, and community very well!


  1. Thank you for all you do with the FFA. The opportunities that the kids have in leadership and speaking will create great confidence for their futures. I love your colorful site! You need to share how to make the words different colors!

  2. I want to second Mrs. Masters's post.
    Do people realize that you put your heart and soul into your program?
    Probably not. Now that we are "building buddies" it's so apparent to me (well, I knew it before, but not to the extent).
    Instead of coming out and having supper with some of us friday, MIss J was helping students with FFA Proficiencies!
    Thanks Miss J!
    Hugs from your fans!
